Police Service of Scotland announces revision of URN administration charges

The following communication from the Police Service of Scotland has recently been issued:

In April 2007, the Association of Chief Police Officers in Scotland (ACPOS) published a Security System Policy to manage the engagement between Scottish police forces, alarm system users, and the alarm industry.  The Policy, which is still in effect, includes a section relating to charges and states that each individual application for a Unique Reference Number (URN) will be subject to a one off administration charge of £34.04 plus VAT payable to the relevant Scottish police force by the alarm system user.

Following a review of the current Security Systems Policy, work is currently ongoing to finalise and publish an updated Police Service of Scotland (PSoS) Security Systems Guidance document.  This new Guidance will include revised and updated URN administration charges.

While the publication date for the new Guidance has yet to be agreed, it is proposed that the administration charges applicable to URN applications under the current Policy will increase to £52.19 (£43.49 plus VAT) from 1 July 2014.  This charge will also apply to the forthcoming PSoS Security Systems Guidance when published.

Please note that any fee received for a new URN after 1 July 2014 must be for the new fee of £52.19 (£43.49 plus VAT) payable to the Scottish Police Authority.  Failure to supply the correct fee from this date will result in the return of the application and a delay in processing the URN application.


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