More about fire safety

Why choose NSI approved companies?

If you are the owner or occupier of a non-domestic building you have a legal obligation to protect your staff and visitors with appropriate fire safety measures.

A life safety fire risk assessment not only makes perfect sense as a first step in fire safety, it’s also a legal requirement.

Your premises may be best protected by a fire detection and alarm system, portable fire extinguishers, a gaseous suppression system and/or an emergency lighting system. 

Systems installed and maintained by NSI approved companies will be covered by an NSI Certificate of Compliance as evidence that they meet the needs and risks of the premises at the time of installation.

Just as important as the design and standard of installation of any systems, is ensuring that they are maintained. Fire systems may never be used in anger, but it goes without saying that a maintenance and testing programme ensures that if called on at any time, they will perform as required.

By choosing a company that is NSI approved for the provision of any fire safety related service means you can be assured your provider is working to recognised industry standards, and in the case of the Gold approval, robust quality management systems.

Fire safety services carried about by your NSI approved company

Legal requirements

Legislation requires that any organisation employing the services of companies to design, install, commission and maintain their fire protection systems, are competent to undertake the work. 

These legal obligations include the provision of suitable fire protection and other life safety systems. In smaller businesses, this is often the business owner who is responsible to ensure there is a sufficient up to date fire risk assessment and that all the requirements are carried out competently.

A life safety fire risk assessment is a legal requirement for your premises. 


United Kingdom fire safety legislation

The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 in England & Wales, the Fire (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Fire & Rescue Service (NI) Order 2006 emphasise the importance of preventing fires and reducing risk. 

The designated responsible person must conduct, or employ a suitably qualified person to conduct, a fire risk assessment and implement and maintain a fire safety plan. Companies can be NSI approved to complete this assessment. 

By contracting an NSI Fire Gold or Fire Silver approved company you can ensure the requirements of the legislation relevant to fire protection systems are met.

The Fire Safety Order requires that employers designate a ‘responsible person’ to carry out fire risk assessments that include the safety of employees and visitors to the site, employees’ job security and the environmental impact.

Fire certificates are no longer being issued as each individual company is responsible for fire safety. All businesses employing more than five people or licensed premises must conduct a Fire Risk Assessment that must be documented. Fire officers have the authority to gain access to premises and remove samples following a fire.

Organisations should contract with a competent supplier, relevant to fire safety products and services, who has 'the appropriate skills and experience'. They should have proof of this so that it can be produced at an inspection, pre or post incident. Certification provided by an NSI Fire Gold or Fire Silver approved company achieves this.

Find out more:


Useful links


Learn more about fire safety for your workplace

Fire Detection and Alarm Systems (BAFE SP203-1)

Life Safety Fire Risk Assessments (BAFE SP205)

Portable Fire Extinguishers (BAFE SP101)

Emergency Lighting (BAFE SP203-4)

Kitchen Fire Protection Systems (BAFE SP206)

Fixed Gaseous Suppression Systems (BAFE SP203-3)

Evacuation Alert Systems (BAFE SP207)

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NSI Gold and Silver Medals - Signifying a companies approval with NSI

Look out for the NSI hallmark

It’s the most widely recognised mark of approval in security and
fire safety. NSI approval tells you the company is:


Technically Competent

Working to International and British Standards and NSI Codes of Practice, teams have relevant technical experience


Gold approval - operating a Quality Management System to ISO 9001 and NSI Quality Schedules


Reputable Directors & leaders with relevant business experience and effective employee security screening

Find an NSI approved company