CerticCS - Republic of Ireland
CerticCS - Republic of Ireland
CerticCS - Republic of Ireland
CerticCS - Republic of Ireland
For further information or to apply
If you are interested in gaining NSI approval please complete our online Enquiry Form:
If you have any questions, please contact our applications team who will be happy to help.
T: 01628 764885

In the Republic of Ireland, NSI operates as CerticCS
It is mandatory for companies (and individuals in most cases) operating in ROI to be licensed by the Private Security Authority (PSA) for the services they deliver. To become licensed the business must be approved by an independent certification body for the services they deliver. NSI CerticCS is authorised by the Private Security Authority (PSA) to deliver the necessary approval in the areas / standards shown below.
In addition, we also offer approval to:
- ISO 9001 (Quality Management System)
- ISO 14001 (Environmental Management System)
- ISO 45001 (Health and Safety Management System)
Approval by NSI requires inspection to recognised Irish standards/Codes of Practice. Before an inspection for approval can take place, companies should ensure they have a copy of the appropriate Standard.
Relevant Irish Standards and International Standards are available via the PSA Website.
To apply for NSI CerticCS Approval, please contact our Applications Team who will be happy to discuss your requirements. T: 01628 764885