Evacuation Alert Systems Scheme (SP207)
Evacuation Alert Systems Scheme (SP207)
Evacuation Alert Systems Scheme (SP207)
Evacuation Alert Systems Scheme (SP207)
For further information or to apply
If you are interested in gaining NSI approval please complete our online Enquiry Form:
If you have any questions, please contact our sales team who will be happy to help.
T: 01628 764885

Two levels of approval

NSI’s Evacuation Alert Systems Gold Scheme is designed for companies who meet the industry’s highest technical standards and maintain a commitment to continual improvement by operating an ISO 9001 Quality Management System.

NSI's Evacuation Alert Systems Silver Scheme is designed as a stepping stone towards the Evacuation Alert Systems Gold Scheme.
The Scheme requires companies to meet the same high level of technical competence as the Gold scheme.

Scheme overview

Professional fire safety providers can obtain Third Party Certification from NSI for the Evacuation Alert Systems Scheme, incorporating the requirements of BAFE’s new Scheme SP207.
BAFE’s SP207 Scheme was developed in response to a recommendation from the Grenfell Tower Phase 1 inquiry report whereby new or existing blocks of flats, with one or more storeys located over 18m above ground level, should be provided with evacuation alert systems.
Evacuation alert systems activated solely by the fire and rescue services initiate evacuation alert signals in the event of a fire or other emergency, save time in alerting occupants to evacuate, and enable the most critical areas for evacuation to be prioritised.
BAFE Scheme SP207 calls upon BS 8629, the ‘Code of Practice for the Design, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of Evacuation Alert Systems for use by fire and rescue services in buildings containing flats’, published on 30 November 2019.
As the scheme is modular, companies can choose to be assessed against one or more of the services they provide i.e. design, installation, commissioning and/or maintenance.
Similar to an “MOT”, NSI approved companies will issue an NSI/BAFE “Certificate of Compliance” for newly installed systems and on completion of scheduled maintenance visits (every six months), as evidence to enforcing authorities and insurers that systems are adequately installed and maintained.
Organisations who choose NSI as their certification body for BAFE scheme SP207 will gain both NSI approval (Gold or Silver) and BAFE registration upon successful completion of the application process. The following Standards and industry documents apply:
Enrol on NSI’s BS 8629 Training Course
NSI has developed an ‘Introduction to BS 8629’ remote training course (delivered via Teams) to help organisations gain an understanding of this new British Standard.