NSI ACS Passport Route
NSI ACS Passport Route
NSI ACS Passport Route
NSI ACS Passport Route
For further information or to apply
If you are interested in gaining NSI ACS Passport Route approval please complete our online Enquiry Form:
If you have any questions, please contact our sales team who will be happy to help.
T: 01628 764885

NSI Approval and SIA Approved Contractor Scheme in one integrated audit
The Security Industry Authority (SIA) recognises approvals such as NSI Guarding Gold and Silver demonstrate competence and capability distinct from ACS. NSI’s integrated approach means it’s possible to hold both e.g. NSI Guarding approval and ACS with a tailored, cost effective audit programme. This provides you with your NSI Passport to ACS approval.
The NSI’s ACS Passport Route is unique. It is UKAS accredited and provides a time efficient way for your company to gain multiple approvals in addition to ACS.
NSI’s Passport scheme requirements exceed those of the ACS scheme. It includes ISO 9001, International and British Standards, Codes of Practice and other criteria.
When you achieve approval for an NSI scheme with Passport, NSI will issue you with your e.g. NSI Certificate of Approval including reference to the Passport specification. The SIA will review your Certificate of Approval before issuing your ACS certificate.
What is required for the NSI ACS Passport route:
- Providing at least 2 licensable operatives under a contract for security industry services and in each of the sectors for which you are applying.
- Supplying a security industry service within the UK.
- Holding at least one current contract for the supply of security industry services and at the time of application for a minimum of 12 months.
N.B. Labour and in-house providers are not eligible to seek approval to ACS.
To apply for Passport Route:
If you would like to have a discussion with an NSI assessor, prior to application, please contact one of our advisors by phone to arrange this on Tel: 01628 764885. We recommend you do this as we don't charge for this service and it can often save you time later in the process.
- Apply to NSI for a quote for NSI Guarding/Cash Gold or Silver with Passport Specification.
- Assess your company against the ACS Self-Assessment Workbook to determine whether you are ready to meet the requirements for ACS.
- Complete and return the agreement and application forms to NSI.
- NSI undertakes due diligence checks.
- Contact our Applications Team to arrange convenient audit dates with a dedicated NSI auditor.
- Your NSI auditor will liaise with you in preparation for the visit and provide you with a documented visit plan.
- Once your successful audit is complete and you have received your NSI Certificate of Approval you can apply to the SIA for ACS approval through the Passport Route.
N.B. Gaining Passport approval does not guarantee SIA ACS approval and your company must meet the fit and proper conditions contained within the SIA document "Get Approved" which will be determined by the SIA when you apply for ACS through the Passport Route.