NPCC Releases Revised 2020 Security Systems Policy for Security Installers and ARCs in England, Wales and Northern Ireland

The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) has recently released a revision of  their security systems policy, as it’s commonly referred to, retitled ‘The National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Police Operational Advice and Security Industry Requirements for Response to Security Systems’.  The 2020 revision replaces the 2018 edition, titled ‘National Police Chiefs’ Council (NPCC) Police Requirements & Response to Security Systems’.

The entire document has been reformatted with most of the changes editorial in nature.  However, in annex F there are some additional requirements and the removal of others.

A summary of the changed sections is located in the first few pages of the NPCC document.  To further assist NSI approved security installers and Alarm Receiving Centres, NSI has produced a reference document compiled of all the changes.  The reference document, distributed this week, has been issued alongside an NSI Circular Letter and is accessible in the Company Login Area of the NSI website.

The NPCC document is applicable to all installers and Alarm Receiving Centres in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and is available to view here via:

Police Security Systems website: and

Secured by Design website: under ‘Group Initiatives’.

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