New standard to bolster protection against rogue security labour risks
In the latest edition of Football and Stadium Management, NSI’s Senior Operations Manager (Services), Clare Rogers, describes how an upcoming British Standard will take forward a current NSI Code of Practice adopted across the sector addressing potential weaknesses in the security labour supply chain.
‘British Standard BS 10119 Provision of Labour in the Security and Events Sector – Code of Practice’ has been drafted by the British Standards Institution, based on NSI’s NCP 119 Code of Practice.
The procurement of additional labour to support service delivery in the security guarding and events management sectors is common practice, giving companies the flexibility to scale their operations effectively. When professionally managed, flexible labour ensures security is not compromised, however when poorly managed, there is a risk to the safety and security of the public.
The evolution from the Code of Practice to a British Standard underscores the security sector’s desire to protect the public, combat worker exploitation and deliver value in an area where cost-cutting risks severe, if not tragic consequences.
Read the full article in Football & Stadium Management Magazine