Summit Success

With an extensive presence of leading brand names, the Exhibition Hall proved to be a huge draw for delegates who had travelled from all corners of the UK.  As well as industry manufacturers, the Summit secured the participation of insurance, recruitment and vehicle tracking suppliers.  A full list of exhibitors can be found via our events page.

An extensive and informative seminar programme drew on topics as varied as Health & Safety (Citation), an ACPO view of the industry (Ken Meanwell) and a glimpse into the future from Professor Martin Gill.

Presentation slides, including those by sponsors CSL DualCom and IFSEC International (hints and tips for social media), and supporting manufacturers are available via the NSI Installer Summit seminar page.

The third area of the Summit came in the shape of the Learning Zone.  This area provided the opportunity for delegates to hold more personal one to one discussions with experts in their field.  The Zones included Access Control (TDSI), CCTV (Honeywell), Intruder (Risco), Standards (NSI), Employment Law and Health & Safety (Citation), Finance (Baker Tilly) and Apprenticeships (Skills for Security).

Speaking of the event, Chris Pinder, NSI External Affairs Director stated, “This was the largest gathering focused on Alarm Installers that NSI has ever organised. I’d also go as far as to say that this was the biggest single gathering with a focus on alarm installers that has ever taken place within the UK.”

NSI would like to thank all those who made the event such a success, whether headline sponsor, exhibitor, speaker, Learning Zone participant or delegate, this event was only a success due to the support and participation of all parties.

To view a selection of photos from the event, please go to our Pinterest Page


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