NSI Approved Company First to Achieve Four BAFE Registrations

The Fire Safety Company, based in Richmond, North Yorkshire, has attained four BAFE scheme registrations, using NSI as their UKAS accredited certification body.  They are currently the only organisation to have achieved this number of BAFE scheme registrations. At a presentation at their office on 2 August, William Hague, Foreign Secretary and their local M.P., presented the organisation with their NSI framed certificates and medals to commemorate this significant achievement.

Photo left to right Darren Sowerby (Operations Mgr), Sanjay Saggar (Managing Director), William Hague (Foreign Secretary), Ritu Saggar (Financial Director) and Phillipa Preston-Pacey (Business Development Manager).


The most recent registration achieved by The Fire Safety Company is for BAFE’s Life Safety Fire Risk Assessment Scheme (SP205), adding to Fire Detection and Alarms (SP203-1), Emergency Lighting Systems (SP203-4) and Contract Maintenance of Portable Fire Extinguishers (SP101).

Sanjay Saggar, Managing Director of The Fire Safety Company comments: “Naturally I am delighted that we are the first UK Fire Protection business to achieve this distinction. This accolade truly upholds the hard work our team has put into our company and unmistakably demonstrates our expertise and continual commitment to give our clients the very best in terms of service and quality. The NSI’s auditing team were firm but fair and very thorough during the auditing process – It wasn’t easy and we wouldn’t have wanted it any other way because we want our accreditations to really stand for something!”

Saggar continues “These awards make business sense too. It has allowed us to differentiate ourselves from every other fire protection company in the UK. We can approach clients with real credibility as a “go-to” company for fire safety expertise. But in truth, at The Fire Safety Company, we realise that this was the easy part. The challenge for us is to maintain these high standards – day in day out in the years to come. We look forward to working with the NSI as our fire safety compliance champions.”

Jeff Little, NSI’s Chief Executive, comments:

“This is a tremendous achievement for Sanjay Saggar and his team at the Fire Safety Company and I congratulate them all.  Attaining four BAFE Scheme registrations is no mean feat and clearly demonstrates to their customers and industry peers their unquestionable commitment to their profession.   We are delighted that the Fire Safety Company chose NSI as their sole Certification body and in parallel to their BAFE Schemes registration, have attained the much coveted NSI Fire Gold and Life Safety Fire Risk Assessment Gold approvals, for which they should be heartedly applauded”.

Stephen Adams, Chief Executive of BAFE stated:

“I am delighted to congratulate The Fire Safety Company on being the first to achieve registrations to 4 different BAFE schemes. Current fire safety legislation requires that the person responsible for a property takes all reasonable steps to ensure the safety of staff and customers. By using fire protection companies that have gained certification from an accredited body, they can show that they have done this. Sanjay Saggar and his team have shown their quality commitment across important areas of fire protection including the vital, initial fire risk assessment service.’

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