Invitation to join RISCAuthority Webinar on CCTV and Property Protection

RISCAuthorityAbout the webinar: In suitable undertakings, CCTV can make a significant impact on crime and the protection of property.  In unsuitable applications however, it can disappoint and attract the criticism of those in the community concerned about the “surveillance society”.

Mike Jay, Convenor of the RISCAuthority Security Working Group*, will provide an overview of today’s environment for CCTV in the private sector, reviewing some of the basic principles underpinning a successful installation and updating on recent developments.

Register for the 45 minute webinar on 12 February:

  • Click Register at the bottom of the page
  • On the registration form enter your details and click ‘submit’

You will receive a confirmation e-mail message with instructions how to join the event.

*About RISCAuthority Security Working Group

Mike Jay

The RISCAuthority Security Group is a technical forum of security risk management experts drawn from the majority of insurers transacting property insurance business (fire, crime risks etc) in the UK.  The committee has three formal meetings per year in addition to ad hoc meetings with stakeholders.

The group is one of a number of insurer forums within, and managed by, the Fire Protection Association (FPA).  The group’s remit is to research crime trends and security solutions and publish bulletins and best practice guidelines, as well as represent the Association of British Insurers (ABI) in forums such as the BSI.

Mike Jay (pictured), Convenor of the Security Working Group.

**More information on RISCAuthority




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