Protect Duty Counter Terrorism Proposals Drive Fresh Thinking, Guidance and Practical Help
In the latest edition of Football and Stadium Management, NSI’s Director of Approval Schemes, Matthew Holliday, explains how the Protect Duty security proposals for publicly accessible locations (PALs) now include a free app, risk assessments guidance and a “Competent Persons Scheme”, providing informed protective advice to stadiums and arenas, and describes how third-party certification could be a significant string to the bow in wider protection for the public.
As part of the Protect strand of the UK’s counter-terrorism strategy, CONTEST, the Government has continued to engage with stakeholders in preparing forthcoming Protect Duty legislation. The Protect Duty consultation provides thought-provoking proposals on a range of potential future protective responsibilities and measures to improve security at publicly accessible locations (PALs) – defined as any place to which the public or any section of the public has access, on payment or otherwise, as of right or by virtue of express or implied permission.
The need for counter terrorism risk assessment for publicly accessible locations is anticipated to be a fundamental requirement of the Protect Duty scheme and a proposed Competent Persons Scheme will provide information and assistance to the business community on security advisers and competent persons in the workplace.
The Protect Duty proposals are rightly shining a spotlight on future duty-of-care security assessments and arrangements at stadiums and other places where the public have access. Reassuringly, third party certification infrastructure already in place has the potential to be deployed as part of the wider Protect Duty solution should it be called upon.
Read the full article in Football & Stadium Management Magazine