Wall of shame

Wall of shame

Wall of shame

Wall of shame

What is the Wall of shame?

Sadly, there are companies in the UK who choose to advertise themselves as being approved by NSI, or imply that they are, when in fact this is not the case. In some instances, they use the NSI logo on their websites, vehicles, shop windows and paperwork etc, which misleads potential customers into believing they are approved by NSI.

We investigate these issues and will publish names of companies who do not co-operate promptly to NSI requests to stop their misleading activities. We also notify Trading Standards and support Trading Standards in legal proceedings where necessary.

Who can display the NSI Gold or Silver Logos?

Only NSI approved companies are entitled to display the NSI Gold or Silver logo depending on their NSI certification. NSI approved companies can be found by searching in the NSI Approved Company Finder (see top right of this page).

All NSI approved companies hold one or more valid current Certificate(s) of Approval which detail(s) the standards and codes of practice for which they are approved.


The companies listed below are falsely using the NSI logo or claiming NSI Approval by other means :

Name of Business


Nature of Complaint

Currently none

What happens now?

Any companies listed will be removed from this page once the issues reported have been resolved to NSI’s satisfaction.

Contact us

If you wish to make a complaint about misuse of the NSI logo or fraudulent claims of NSI approval, please complete the NSI Complaint Form

For complaints of a technical nature, please visit our complaints guide page.

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