Detector-Activated CCTV Systems Realise Protective Potential Through Updated British Standard

Facilities Management UK Logo - Detector Activated CCTV Systems (BS 8414) ArticleThe newly revised British Standard for Detector Activated CCTV Systems (BS 8418) enables Facilities Managers to improve facilities protection through detector-activated surveillance alarm systems that provide a police response. This comes as a significant change from the past 18 years as Unique Reference Numbers (URN) for Police response were issued scarcely for these types of systems.

NSI’s Matthew Holliday discusses the latest revision to BS 8418 and its continual development with the inclusion of advanced technology such as video surveillance and remote monitoring of alarm signals generated by compliant systems. The latest revision focuses on the linking of video surveillance and remote monitoring, enabling operators to quickly and easily check the alarm activation is a genuine breach and pass on the incident to the Police for immediate response.

Read the full article in the September edition of Facilities Management UK.